02.07.24 - Demographics Category and Subcategory IDs added to Premier and Demographics APIs
12 months ago by Hannah Oren
Category And Subcategory ID fields are now available in demographic data in the Premier and Demographics APIs.
These ID fields act as a key-value pair with the category and subcategory name. When integrating demographic data, we recommend using the ID field as a unique identifier to prevent any potential breakpoints if category or subcategory names change.
The current category and subcategory ID and name combinations are as follows:
Category ID | Category Name | Subcategory ID | Subcategory Name |
1 | Race & Ethnicity | 1 | Asian/Asian American |
2 | Black/African American | ||
3 | Hispanic/Latino/Latina/Latinx | ||
4 | Native American/American Indian/Alaska Native/Indigenous | ||
5 | White/Caucasian/European | ||
6 | Multi-Racial/Multi-Ethnic (2+ races/ethnicities) | ||
7 | Decline to state | ||
8 | Unknown | ||
27 | Middle Eastern/Northern African | ||
28 | Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander | ||
1 | Race & Ethnicity Other | 9 | Other |
2 | Gender Identity | 10 | Female |
11 | Male | ||
12 | Non-binary | ||
29 | People who prefer to identify with another gender identity | ||
13 | Decline to state | ||
14 | Unknown | ||
3 | Gender Identity 2 | 15 | Transgender |
16 | Not transgender (cisgender) | ||
30 | People who prefer to identify with another gender identity | ||
17 | Decline to state | ||
18 | Unknown | ||
4 | Sexual Orientation | 19 | Gay, lesbian, bisexual, or other sexual orientations in the LGBTQIA+ community |
20 | Heterosexual or straight | ||
31 | People who prefer to identify with another sexual orientation | ||
21 | Decline to state | ||
22 | Unknown | ||
5 | Disability Status | 23 | Person with a disability |
24 | Person without a disability | ||
25 | Decline to state | ||
26 | Unknown |
Below is an example Demographics API response with the added fields:
"code": 200,
"message": "Request was processed successfully!",
"took": 2548,
"errors": [],
"data": {
"summary": {
"organization_name": "Candid",
"ein": "13-1837418",
"city": "New York City",
"state": "NY",
"demographics_status": "This organization has provided Candid Demographics Data on 12/06/2023",
"demographics_status_nonprofit": "Your organization has provided Candid Demographics Data on 12/06/2023",
"date_last_modified": "12/06/2023"
"demographics": {
"staff_level_totals": {
"total_board_members": "17",
"total_staff": "190",
"total_senior_staff": "8"
"categories": [
"category_id": 1,
"category": "Race & Ethnicity",
"board_members_not_collected": false,
"staff_not_collected": false,
"senior_staff_not_collected": false,
"subcategories": [
"subcategory_id": 1,
"subcategory": "Asian/Asian American",
"board_members": 1,
"staff": 27,
"senior_staff": 2,
"reported_by_ceo": true,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 2,
"subcategory": "Black/African American",
"board_members": 4,
"staff": 11,
"senior_staff": 2,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 3,
"subcategory": "Hispanic/Latino/Latina/Latinx",
"board_members": 0,
"staff": 14,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 4,
"subcategory": "Native American/American Indian/Alaska Native/Indigenous",
"board_members": 0,
"staff": 0,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 5,
"subcategory": "White/Caucasian/European",
"board_members": 8,
"staff": 86,
"senior_staff": 4,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 6,
"subcategory": "Multi-Racial/Multi-Ethnic (2+ races/ethnicities)",
"board_members": 1,
"staff": 3,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 7,
"subcategory": "Decline to state",
"board_members": null,
"staff": 7,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 8,
"subcategory": "Unknown",
"board_members": 2,
"staff": 41,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": null,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 27,
"subcategory": "Middle Eastern/Northern African",
"board_members": 0,
"staff": 1,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": null,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 28,
"subcategory": "Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander",
"board_members": 0,
"staff": 0,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": null,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"category_id": 1,
"category": "Race & Ethnicity Other",
"board_members_not_collected": false,
"staff_not_collected": false,
"senior_staff_not_collected": false,
"subcategories": [
"subcategory_id": 9,
"subcategory": "Other",
"board_members": 1,
"staff": null,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": null,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"category_id": 2,
"category": "Gender Identity",
"board_members_not_collected": false,
"staff_not_collected": false,
"senior_staff_not_collected": false,
"subcategories": [
"subcategory_id": 10,
"subcategory": "Female",
"board_members": 8,
"staff": 82,
"senior_staff": 5,
"reported_by_ceo": true,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 11,
"subcategory": "Male",
"board_members": 7,
"staff": 56,
"senior_staff": 3,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 12,
"subcategory": "Non-binary",
"board_members": null,
"staff": 6,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 29,
"subcategory": "People who prefer to identify with another gender identity",
"board_members": null,
"staff": null,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": null,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 13,
"subcategory": "Decline to state",
"board_members": null,
"staff": 5,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 14,
"subcategory": "Unknown",
"board_members": 2,
"staff": 41,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": null,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"category_id": 3,
"category": "Gender Identity 2",
"board_members_not_collected": false,
"staff_not_collected": false,
"senior_staff_not_collected": false,
"subcategories": [
"subcategory_id": 15,
"subcategory": "Transgender",
"board_members": 0,
"staff": 4,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 16,
"subcategory": "Not transgender (cisgender)",
"board_members": 14,
"staff": 130,
"senior_staff": 8,
"reported_by_ceo": true,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 30,
"subcategory": "People who prefer to identify with another gender identity",
"board_members": null,
"staff": null,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": null,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 17,
"subcategory": "Decline to state",
"board_members": 1,
"staff": 9,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 18,
"subcategory": "Unknown",
"board_members": 2,
"staff": 47,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": null,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"category_id": 4,
"category": "Sexual Orientation",
"board_members_not_collected": false,
"staff_not_collected": false,
"senior_staff_not_collected": false,
"subcategories": [
"subcategory_id": 19,
"subcategory": "Gay, lesbian, bisexual, or other sexual orientations in the LGBTQIA+ community",
"board_members": null,
"staff": 24,
"senior_staff": 4,
"reported_by_ceo": true,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 20,
"subcategory": "Heterosexual or straight",
"board_members": 14,
"staff": 114,
"senior_staff": 4,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 31,
"subcategory": "People who prefer to identify with another sexual orientation",
"board_members": null,
"staff": null,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": null,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 21,
"subcategory": "Decline to state",
"board_members": 1,
"staff": 11,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 22,
"subcategory": "Unknown",
"board_members": 2,
"staff": 41,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": null,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"category_id": 5,
"category": "Disability Status",
"board_members_not_collected": false,
"staff_not_collected": false,
"senior_staff_not_collected": false,
"subcategories": [
"subcategory_id": 23,
"subcategory": "Person with a disability",
"board_members": null,
"staff": 16,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 24,
"subcategory": "Person without a disability",
"board_members": 15,
"staff": 120,
"senior_staff": 8,
"reported_by_ceo": true,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 25,
"subcategory": "Decline to state",
"board_members": null,
"staff": 7,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": false,
"reported_by_coceo": null
"subcategory_id": 26,
"subcategory": "Unknown",
"board_members": 2,
"staff": 47,
"senior_staff": null,
"reported_by_ceo": null,
"reported_by_coceo": null
More information can be found in the Organizational demographic data user guide.