Prepopulate your grant application
Simplify the grant process using Candid’s nonprofit data
As a field, we are amid a timely and important conversation about reducing grantee burden in the grant application process. Calls for common applications and efforts like #FixTheForm show that foundations often ask similar questions when they assess potential grantees. Candid’s GuideStar profile aligns with these information needs, and our API provides a solution to automatically prepopulate grant applications.
Candid provides information and data that is commonly used to understand a nonprofit holistically, from financials to program areas to results. Our database includes data on more than 1.8 million active nonprofits, and our APIs support the transfer of this data into other systems in real-time. This data can be used to prepopulate grant applications so that you can:
- Ask fewer questions on your grant application and reports
- Align your questions to be consistent with funding peers
- Adopt best practices in normalizing data on organizations
By using Candid's APIs in the grant application process, you're not only getting better information for your own organization, you are also reducing the burden on nonprofits, who won't need to submit the same information for each grant they apply for. The more funders make use of this existing information, the larger the benefits to nonprofits, enabling networks of scale.
Solutions for funders and grant management software
Applicant experience
- Allow the applicant to enter their EIN, or use the EIN associated with their login (if applicable).
- Display the grant application plugin button that triggers a call to our Premier API v3. Automatically prepopulate the form with the appropriate fields.
- Allow the applicant to review and update the information, if needed.
Funder experience
- Allow the funder to design the grant application and select the desired fields.
- Use the table below to determine which fields to make available to allow funders the option to simplify the grant application experience.
Fields commonly used in grant applications
Below, you’ll find the organizational data you can use in your grant applications. This data is available in Premier API.
Organization and contact information
These fields are used to retrieve basic information about the nonprofit and who to contact for fundraising.
Premier API Field | Example | Description |
ein | 13-1837418 | Employee identification number |
organization_name | Candid | Organization name |
gs_profile_update_level | Platinum 2024 | GuideStar Seal of Transparency level |
address_line_1 | 32 Old Slip | Organization address street name |
address_line_2 | 24th Floor | Organization address suite or apartment number |
city | New York | Organization address city |
state | NY | Organization address state |
zip | 10005 | Organization address zip code |
county | New York | Organization address county |
govt_registered_name | Candid | Legal organization name |
website_url | | Organization website URL |
year_founded | 1956 | Year that an organization was founded |
fundraising_contact_name | Kate Sweeney | Name of primary fundraising contact |
fundraising_contact_title | Senior Director of Development | Title of primary fundraising contact |
fundraising_contact_email | [email protected] | Email address of primary fundraising contact |
fundraising_contact_phone | 212 620-4230 | Phone number of primary fundraising contact |
Mission, subject areas and populations served
These fields generally describe what the organization supports, listed using Candid's Taxonomy, NTEE, and SDG codes.
Premier API Field | Example | Description |
mission | Candid's mission is to get you the information you need to do good. | Organization mission statement |
pcs_codes > pcs_facet | Population | PCS facet name |
pcs_codes > pcs_description | Adults | PCS code description |
ntee_code | T50 - Philanthropy / Charity / Voluntarism Promotion (General) | National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) Code |
sdg > id | 17 | UN sustainable development goal number |
sdg > description | Partnerships for the Goals | UN sustainable development goal description |
Programs and impact measurements
These fields are used to understand an organization's programs and the impact an organization has on its population served. These fields are available in an array when multiple programs and impact measurements are reported by the nonprofit to Candid.
Premier API Field | Example | Description |
Programs > name | Common profile | Program name |
Programs > description | Goal: Establish common profiles with key information on social sector organizations to optimize transparency and reduce redundancy. The social sector is fragmented, leaving individual organizations culturally and operationally isolated. Through a common profile we can increase the throughput of basic organizational information, reduce waste, reveal diversity, and build shared identity... | Program description |
Programs > target_population | General/Unspecified | First target population that the program is targeting |
Programs > target_population2 | Second target population that the program is targeting | |
Programs > areas_served | Global | Name of the geographic area served by the program |
PlatinumMetrics > metric | Number of organizations who share enough information to earn a Seal of Transparency on GuideStar | Metric name |
PlatinumMetrics > years | 2022, 84301.0; 2023, 96305.0 | The years this metric was captured and the values for a given year |
Subsection and tax-exempt status
These fields can be used to understand tax-exempt status.
Premier API Field | Example | Description |
subsection_code | 03 | Subsection Codes are the codes shown under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, which define the category under which an organization may be exempt |
subsection_description | 501(c)(3) Public Charity | Description of organization subsection code |
affiliation_code | 3 | Single digit code designating the type of organization. If there is no group exemption, will be one of (Central, Intermediate, or Independent); if there is a group exemption, will be one of (Central, Intermediate, Independent, or Subordinate).This code is used if the organization is an independent organization or an independent auxiliary (i.e. not affiliated with a National, Regional, or Geographic grouping of organizations) |
affiliation_description | This code is used if the organization is an independent organization or an independent auxiliary (i.e., not affiliated with a a National, Regional, or Geographic grouping of organizations). | Description of what the affiliation code means |
deductibility_code | 1 | Signifies whether contributions made to an organization are deductible |
deductibility_description | Contributions are deductible, as provided by law | Deductibility code description |
parent_organizations > EIN | 53-0196617 | Array of EINs of parent organizations |
parent_organizations > organization_name | UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS | Array of names of parent organizations |
parent_organizations > group_exemption | 0928 | Four-digit internal number assigned to parent organizations holding group exemption letters. |
letter_of_determination_doc_name | Candid IRS Letter of Determination | Document name of the letter of determination |
letter_of_determination_url | | URL to the letter of determination |
These fields are used to understand the general financial health of an organization. There are many more financial fields present in the Premier API including Part VIII, IX, X of the Form 990 and a financial trends analysis. There is also a PDF view of the financial trends available at Premier Financial Trends Analysis PDF API.
Premier API Field | Example | Description |
fiscal_year | 2023 | The most recent fiscal year of all financials on file |
form_type | F990 | The IRS 990 form type used in this financial data |
data_source | IRS Form 990 | Source of current financial information |
assets_total | 100177752.0 | Total monetary amount of assets, in USD |
total_revenue | 43212468.0 | Total revenue, in USD |
expenses_total | 36022947.0 | Total expenses, in USD |
financial_statements > doc_name | 2023 Candid Audit Report | The name of the financial document |
financial_statements > document_url | <> | The URL of the financial document |
financial_statements > fiscal_year_end | 2023 | The fiscal year end of the financial document |
Board of directors
These fields can be used to pull in the board of directors.
Premier API Field | Example | Description |
board_chair_name | Melissa Berman | Name of the board chair |
board_chair_affiliation | Rockfeller Philanthropy Advisors | Company board chair is associated with |
board_chair_term_start | 2024 | Start year of board chair term |
board_of_directors > name | Ana Marie Argilagos | Array of board of directors' names |
board_of_directors > company | HIP-Hispanics in Philanthropy | Array of board of directors' companies |
We include the answers to the following demographic questions for each participating organization:
- Race & Ethnicity
- Gender Identity
- Transgender Identity
- Sexual Orientation
- Disability Status
We include the answers for these staff and groups at the organization:
- Leader/ Co-Leader
- Board Members
- Senior Staff
- Staff
See the Demographic data for grantmaking user guide for more information.
Updated 10 days ago