
8.21.23 - GeoSearch and GeoChildren queries added to Taxonomy GraphQL API

Two new queries are now available in the Taxonomy API: GeoSearch and GeoChildren. These queries return codes from the GeoNames taxonomy that can be used to identify geographic information.


7.19.23 - NTEE to PCS crosswalk available in Taxonomy GraphQL API

The Taxonomy GraphQL API now includes a crosswalk from NTEE code to Candid's Philanthropy Classification System (PCS) codes. For systems currently utilizing NTEE codes, this makes it easy to find the equivalent PCS code. Both taxonomies classify the cause area of an organization, but the PCS taxonomy is periodically updated to capture emerging work in the philanthropic sector and provides a detailed hierarchy of categorization with up to four levels of granularity.


7.17.23 - Additional Demographics status message available in Demographics and Premier APIs

The demographics_status message field in the Demographics and Premier APIs has been updated to provide additional guidance. If an organization has not shared demographic information with Candid, the message will read "This organization has not provided Candid demographics data. Please encourage the nonprofit to complete their Candid profile by visiting"


5.19.2023 - Essentials v3 bug fix

A bug was identified in Essentials v3, when using the organization filter. The ruling year sub filter was set automatically which produced a response that would return less data than expected or NULL results that would produce a 404 or 400 error message


5.15.2023 - Demographics API released

Access demographic information about nonprofit leaders, staff, and board members.


3.27.2023 - Taxonomy GraphQL API released

Use the power of Candid's Philanthropy Classification System (PCS) taxonomy with the Taxonomy GraphQL API.


03.15.2023 - Schools API contains 2021-2022 school year data

The Schools API data set has been updated to reflect the school year of 2021-2022.


02.08.23 - Update to Organizational Demographics Data in Premier API

With the launch of Demographics via Candid, organizational demographics accessible via Premier API has received improved demographic labels. Beginning February 17, new or updated demographics data will populate in the Premier API reflecting the updates below.


01.17.2023 - GuideStar Gen 1 APIs are decommissioned on February 1st, 2023

For active users of GuideStar generation 1.0 APIs, hosted at