News example searches

The following user profiles and example searches show the versatility of the News API.

Example Searches

I am a grantmaker and would like to enhance my CRM and GMS records on Candid with the latest news and updates over the past year.\_date=2021-01-01&eins=13-1837418\_date=2021-01-01&organizations=Candid

I am a grantmaker reviewing a grant application from the Make-a-Wish Foundation, and I want to see advisories related to that organization for the past two years.\_date=2019-07-14&end\_date=2020-01-25&organizations=Make a wish foundation&advisory\_content=TRUE

I am a busy Program Officer and I would like to automatically monitor the organizations in my sphere of influence, daily, while being able to set up special alerts for staff changes and advisory content.\_date=2020-07-12&end\_date=2021-07-13&organizations=Los Angeles Regional Food Bank&organizations=Benton Community Foundation&organizations=Black Womens Blueprint&filter\_operator=OR

I am a developer and want to create customizable news feeds for users on the subjects, populations, and geographic areas that matter most to them individually.\_date=2021-01-01&locations=4982236&subjects=SA070600&populations=PE050000&filter\_operator=OR

I am a developer and want to provide my users with real-time news by keeping my database in sync with the Candid News database by calling the API every 15 minutes, using the added_date_start and added_date_end fields.\_start\_date=2021-08-01T17:30:18.1169712&added\_end\_date=2021-08-01T17:45:18.1169712