News example searches
The following user profiles and example searches show the versatility of the News API.
Example Searches
I am a grantmaker and would like to enhance my CRM and GMS records on Candid with the latest news and updates over the past year.
I am a grantmaker reviewing a grant application from the Make-a-Wish Foundation, and I want to see advisories related to that organization in the past year. a wish foundation&advisory_content=true&start_date=2024-01-01
I am a busy Program Officer and I would like to automatically monitor the organizations in my sphere of influence, daily, while being able to set up special alerts for staff changes and advisory content. Angeles Regional Food Bank&organizations=Benton Community Foundation&organizations=Black Womens Blueprint&filter_operator=OR
I am a developer and want to create customizable news feeds for users on the subjects, populations, and geographic areas that matter most to them individually.
I am a developer and want to provide my users with real-time news by keeping my database in sync with the Candid News database by calling the API every 15 minutes, using the added_date_start
and added_date_end
Updated 3 months ago